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CCSD Concerts: Detail Advance Form

Please fill out the following questions below. This will help our staff to be prepared for your school performance upon arrival. This form must be completed at least 45 days prior to your event.

FOR ALL REHEARSALS AND PERFORMANCES- Students use front door only.

For performances: Doors will open 30 minutes prior to show time. Chaperones must be present at least 15 minutes before doors open. Chaperones must be present to provide supervision to students at all times while in the Heritage Center Theater.

If you have any questions or issues with the completion of this form, please reach out via email to Taylor Kinney, Performing Arts Manager,
Please list the accurate time of arrival
If you marked Yes to Hang/Fly, describe here.
# of Music Stands, # of Chairs, # of Mics on Stand
Time In and Time Out
Please list the accurate time of arrival
Please list the accurate time of arrival.
# of Chorus Risers
Additional Charges May Apply
Music Teacher & Accompanist are excluded
If None, write N/A
If No Deliveries, Write N/A
Green Room Setup Sheet Please fill out all setup needs on layout.
Heritage Center Theater Stage Setup Please fill out all setup needs on layout.
Lobby Setup Please attach requested lobby setup
Below are the diagrams of each space in Heritage Center that are included in the rental. Please complete and submit your requested setup in this form. It does not need to be to scale, just a general outline of what you would like to see. Drawing your setup on these diagrams and submitting them is acceptable. If we have follow up questions, we will contact you via the email provided above.

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